About Akiva Health Systems

“We are pushing boundaries in healthcare IT, enabling providers, patients, and consumers 'Circle of Health' to participate in long-term disease management.”

- Ramin Miri: Founder & CEO

Akiva Health Systems™ provides a game-changing platform for more effective and cost-efficient health management. Engaging both providers and patients, and even beyond that, consumers' "circle of health", our customized applications and personalized tools enable interaction with and generation of health records.

Our primary focus at this point is mental health and mood/behavioral disorders where traditional EMR systems lack the required tools providers need to diagnose and track patients.

Our platform brings simple and understandable views of health data to patients and consumers while retaining clinical credibility of records for providers use. Consumer behavioral change is key to engagement and adoption of our platform which is achieved through traditional physicians authority and baby-steps changes in how consumers/patients and their circle of health interact with and control their health data.